Sleep No More on ScareHouse podcast
Remember the ScareHouse podcast? Starting in 2010 we produced nearly 150 episodes of an audio podcast taking fans behind the screams of ScareHouse, but also offering insights and conversations from the rapidly expanding industries of haunted attractions, immersive entertainment, and location-based attractions. (Plus more than a few episodes that were just about weird stuff that…
ScareHouse Opening Weekend Reviews!
“ScareHouse excels at world-building; it also excels at creating iconic characters, creatures whose mere appearance supplies nightmare fuel – a girl with bleeding, bandaged eyes and needle-sharp teeth, a white-eyed madman on the verge of turning into something no longer human. The world that the hauntrunners create is both gritty and gorgeous. The scares are…
Night of the Living Evil Dead
George Romero and Sam Raimi are two of the most influential horror filmmakers of all time. While they may have come from different backgrounds and had their own unique styles, there are many connections between the two that have helped shape the horror genre as we know it today. Both filmmakers created their own creative…